Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications



By replacing a batch-based indexing system with an indexing system based on incremental processing using Percolator, we process the same number of documents per day, while reducing the average age of documents in Google search results by 50%.



Percolator时为更新索引之类的任务设计的,它的设计原则就是必须能够运行在大规模的系统之上,另外一个就是不要求很低的延时。在Percolator中,一个事务的提交可能被延迟几十秒,这个在OLTP中不可接受的。所以这里要注意Percolator适应的环境。Percolator依赖于Google的其它的常见的基础设施,比如Chubby,Bigtable和GFS,此外,Percolator的提供的是基于时间戳实现的SI级别的隔离,未来整个系统获取单调递增的时间戳,它这里使用了一个时间戳服务,叫做timestamp oracle,

The observers perform transactions by sending read/write RPCs to Bigtable tablet servers, which in turn send read/write RPCs to GFS chunkservers. The system also depends on two small services: the timestamp oracle and the lightweight lock service. The timestamp oracle provides strictly increasing timestamps: a property required for correct operation of the snapshot isolation protocol. Workers use the lightweight lock service to make the search for dirty notifications more efficient.




bool UpdateDocument(Document doc) {
    Transaction t(&cluster);
    t.Set(doc.url(), "contents", "document", doc.contents()); 
    int hash = Hash(doc.contents());
    // dups table maps hash → canonical URL
    string canonical;
    if (!t.Get(hash, "canonical-url", "dups", &canonical)) {
    // No canonical yet; write myself in
    t.Set(hash, "canonical-url", "dups", doc.url()); 
    } // else this document already exists, ignore new copy 
    return t.Commit();


Column Use
c:lock An uncommitted transaction is writing this cell; contains the location of primary lock。这里就是这一行的锁,保存的是primary的位置,row + column;
c:write Committed data present; stores the Bigtable timestamp of the data,记录了最近保存数据的时间戳;
c:data Stores the data itself;保存的就是数据本身;
c:notify Hint: observers may need to run,用于标示,具体参考论文[1]的2.4节;
c:ack_O Observer “O” has run ; stores start timestamp of successful last run;



class Transaction {
    struct Write { 
        Row row; 
        Column col; 
        string value; 
    vector<Write> writes_ ;
    int start_ts_ ;
    Transaction() : start_ts_ (oracle_.GetTimestamp()) {

    void Set(Write w) { 

    bool Get(Row row, Column c, string* value) {
        while (true) {
            bigtable::Txn T = bigtable::StartRowTransaction(row); // Check for locks that signal concurrent writes_.
            if (T.Read(row, c+"lock", [0, start_ts_])) {
                // There is a pending lock; try to clean it and wait
                BackoffAndMaybeCleanupLock(row, c);
            // Find the latest write below our start timestamp.
            latest_write = T.Read(row, c+"write", [0, start_ts_ ]); 
            if (!latest_write.found()) 
                return false; // no data
            int data_ts = latest_write.start_timestamp();
            *value = T.Read(row, c+"data", [data_ts, data_ts]); 
            return true;

    // Prewrite tries to lock cell w, returning false in case of conflict.
    bool Prewrite(Write w, Write primary) {
        Column c = w.col;
        bigtable::Txn T = bigtable::StartRowTransaction(w.row);
        // Abort on writes_ after our start timestamp ...
        if (T.Read(w.row, c+"write", [start_ts_ , ])) 
            return false; // ... or locks at any timestamp.
        if (T.Read(w.row, c+"lock", [0, ])) 
            return false;
        T.Write(w.row, c+"data", start_ts_ , w.value); 
        T.Write(w.row, c+"lock", start_ts_ , {primary.row, primary.col}); 
        return T.Commit();

    bool Commit() {
        // The primary’s location.
        Write primary = writes_ [0];
        vector<Write> secondaries(writes_.begin()+1, writes_.end()); 
        if (!Prewrite(primary, primary)) 
            return false;
        for (Write w : secondaries) {
            if (!Prewrite(w, primary)) {
                return false; 
        int commit_ts = oracle_.GetTimestamp();
        // Commit primary first.
        Write p = primary;
        bigtable::Txn T = bigtable::StartRowTransaction(p.row); 
        if (!T.Read(p.row, p.col+"lock", [start_ts_ , start_ts_ ]))
            return false; // aborted while working T.Write(p.row, p.col+"write", commit ts,

        T.Write(p.row, p.col+"write", commit_ts, start_ts_ ); // Pointer to data written at start_ts_ . 
        T.Erase(p.row, p.col+"lock", commit_ts);

        if (!T.Commit()) 
            return false; // commit point

        // Second phase: write out write records for secondary cells.
        for (Write w : secondaries) {
            bigtable::Write(w.row, w.col+"write", commit_ts, start_ts_); 
            bigtable::Erase(w.row, w.col+"lock", commit_ts);
        return true; 
}; // class Transaction


    // Prewrite tries to lock cell w, returning false in case of conflict.
    bool Prewrite(Write w, Write primary) {
        Column c = w.col;
        bigtable::Txn T = bigtable::StartRowTransaction(w.row);
        // Abort on writes_ after our start timestamp ...
        if (T.Read(w.row, c+"write", [start_ts_ , ])) 
            return false; // ... or locks at any timestamp.
        if (T.Read(w.row, c+"lock", [0, ])) 
            return false;
        T.Write(w.row, c+"data", start_ts_ , w.value); 
        T.Write(w.row, c+"lock", start_ts_ , {primary.row, primary.col}); 
        return T.Commit();

    bool Commit() {
        // The primary’s location.
        Write primary = writes_ [0];
        vector<Write> secondaries(writes_.begin()+1, writes_.end()); 
        if (!Prewrite(primary, primary)) 
            return false;
        for (Write w : secondaries) {
            if (!Prewrite(w, primary)) {
                return false; 
        // .....

这里判断冲突的方式是读取这一行中指定的列来判断的,这些列在前面的表格中有说明,这里读取的是c:writec:lock,前者是判断写-写的冲突,这里的写入操作的时候会设置这个值,就是下面检查通过的时候设置的。后者是一个事务已经提交了事务,但是由于一些原因推迟了锁的是否,这里出现的可能性很小,但是还是会导致返回false。检查通过之后就是写入这些元数据了,这里数据需要注意的是,对于c:lock,它的数据就是primary的位置信息{primary.row, primary.col},这个是后面的操作需要用的信息。主要这里有一个primary的东西,这里primary具体是谁不重要,后面会解释这个primary。


    bool Commit() {
        // ......
        int commit_ts = oracle_.GetTimestamp();
        // Commit primary first.
        Write p = primary;
        bigtable::Txn T = bigtable::StartRowTransaction(p.row); 
        if (!T.Read(p.row, p.col+"lock", [start_ts_ , start_ts_ ]))
            return false; // aborted while working T.Write(p.row, p.col+"write", commit ts,

        T.Write(p.row, p.col+"write", commit_ts, start_ts_ ); // Pointer to data written at start_ts_ . 
        T.Erase(p.row, p.col+"lock", commit_ts);

        if (!T.Commit()) 
            return false; // commit point

        // Second phase: write out write records for secondary cells.
        for (Write w : secondaries) {
            bigtable::Write(w.row, w.col+"write", commit_ts, start_ts_); 
            bigtable::Erase(w.row, w.col+"lock", commit_ts);
        return true; 

对于一个Get操作来说,第一步就是检查要读区的行有没有在[0, start_ts_]范围内的锁,如果有,这里要等待or清理这个锁。之后会读取这个时间范围内最新的一个有提交的时间戳,然后使用这个时间戳读取数据。没有数据就返回false。这里的运行过程要考虑到任何时候client都是可能崩溃的,所以前面的写操作加的锁可能由于故障导致了锁没有被清理,这时候就是进行清理操作。但是精确度判断这里一行上存在一个锁时,是有事务在进行写入擦走,还是一个准备写入操作的事务已经崩溃了。这里就使用了前面提到的primary,这个primay具体是谁不重要,在代码中可以看到它选择的就是第一个要写入的对象。

Percolator handles this by designating one cell in every transaction as a synchronizing point for any commit or cleanup operations. This cell’s lock is called the primary lock. Both A and B agree on which lock is primary (the location of the primary is written into the locks at all other cells). Performing either a cleanup or commit operation requires modifying the primary lock; since this modification is performed under a Bigtable row transaction, only one of the cleanup or commit operations will succeed. 


    bool Get(Row row, Column c, string* value) {
        while (true) {
            bigtable::Txn T = bigtable::StartRowTransaction(row); // Check for locks that signal concurrent writes_.
            if (T.Read(row, c+"lock", [0, start_ts_])) {
                // There is a pending lock; try to clean it and wait
                BackoffAndMaybeCleanupLock(row, c);
            // Find the latest write below our start timestamp.
            latest_write = T.Read(row, c+"write", [0, start_ts_ ]); 
            if (!latest_write.found()) 
                return false; // no data
            int data_ts = latest_write.start_timestamp();
            *value = T.Read(row, c+"data", [data_ts, data_ts]); 
            return true;


 A transaction that encounters a lock can distinguish between the two cases by inspecting the primary lock: if the primary lock has been replaced by a write record, the transaction which wrote the lock must have committed and the lock must be rolled forward, otherwise it should be rolled back (since we always commit the primary first, we can be sure that it is safe to roll back if the primary is not committed). 



  1. 初始状态的时候,Bob有$10,而Joe有$2,这里保存在时间戳5下面。这里可以看到上次的事务是在时间戳5的时候开始,在时间戳6的时候提交的;
key bal:data bal:lock bal:write
Bob 6: ;5:$10 6: ; 5: 6: data@5; 5:
Joe 6: ;5:$2 6: ; 5: 6: data@5 ; 5:


key bal:data bal:lock bal:write
Bob 7:$3; 6: ;5:$10 7: I am primary; 6: ; 5: 7: ;6: data@5; 5:
Joe 6: ;5:$2 6: ; 5: 6: data@5 ; 5:
  1. 这里对Joe的行进行加锁,锁里面的数据就是Bob对应列的位置信息,也在对应的时间戳下面提交数据。
key bal:data bal:lock bal:write
Bob 7:$3; 6: ;5:$10 7: I am primary; 6: ; 5: 7: ;6: data@5; 5:
Joe 7: $9; 6: ;5:$2 7: primary@Bob.bal; 6: ; 5: 7: ;6: data@5 ; 5:
  1. 这里达到了正式commit的阶段,这里在write的字段写入了7,表示数据就保存在时间戳7下面。这里的时候primary的锁已经被释放了;
key bal:data bal:lock bal:write
Bob 8: ;7:$3; 6: ;5:$10 8: ; 7: I am primary; 6: ; 5: 8; data@7; 7: ;6: data@5; 5:
Joe 7: $9; 6: ;5:$2 7: primary@Bob.bal; 6: ; 5: 7: ;6: data@5 ; 5:
  1. 这里就是修改Joe的行,在write列记录新的数据所在的时间戳,如何释放锁。
key bal:data bal:lock bal:write
Bob 8: ;7:$3; 6: ;5:$10 8: ; 7: I am primary; 6: ; 5: 8; data@7; 7: ;6: data@5; 5:
Joe 8: ;7: $9; 6: ;5:$2 8: ;7: ; 6: ; 5: 8: data@7; 7: ;6: data@5 ; 5:



Since T-W < T-R, we know that the timestamp oracle gave out TW before or in the same batch as TR ; hence, W requested TW before R received TR . We know that R can’t do reads before receiving its start timestamp TR and that W wrote locks before requesting its commit timestamp TW . Therefore, the above property guarantees that W must have at least written all its locks before R did any reads; R’s Get() will see either the fully-committed write record or the lock, in which case W will block until the lock is released. Either way, W’s write is visible to R’s Get().






  1. Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications,