Log-structured Memory for DRAM-based Storage

Log-structured Memory for DRAM-based Storage








在看这里之前需要对Log-Structured File System有些了家,如果没有,可以看看论文[2]。这里的allocator时为RAMCloud设计的,这里就可以把它看作是一个Key-Value Service。基本情况如下:



  1. the table identifier,2. key, and 3. version number for the object in addition to its value 。

每个segment包含了整个log的信息摘要。删除一个object时候,是在log的后面添加一个tombstone记录,tombstone 包含了 table identifier, key,和 被删除object的version number。

Tombstones have proven to be a mixed blessing in RAMCloud: they provide a simple mechanism to prevent object resurrection, but they introduce additional prob- lems of their own. One problem is tombstone garbage collection. Tombstones must eventually be removed from the log, but this is only safe if the corresponding objects have been cleaned (so they will never be seen during crash recovery). To enable tombstone deletion, each tombstone includes the identifier of the segment containing the obsolete object. When the cleaner encounters a tombstone in the log, it checks the segment referenced in the tombstone. If that segment is no longer part of the log, then it must have been cleaned, so the old object no longer exists and the tombstone can be deleted. If the segment still exists in the log, then the tombstone must be preserved.

Two-level Cleaning

这里把内存分配出去比较简单,难点在于回收操作。 所以这里关于分配的就直接忽略了。回收操作这里就会遇到这样一些问题:

  1. 越高的内存利用率意味着越高的回收成本,因为利用率越高,segment里面活着的object越多,每次回收操作能得到的效果越差。这给系统造成了很大的成本。
  2. 另外一个与RAMCloud自己的特点有关,RAMCloud内存中的数据最终会被备份到持久化的存储单元上的。二在磁盘上做这些操作的成本更加高。

RAMCloud这里使用Two-level的清理方式,将磁盘和内存上的回收彼此分离。第1层的回收称为segment compaction ,只在内存中操作,讲原来的segment里面的存活的object拷贝到新的segment,回收原来的空间。第2层成为combined cleaning ,同时在内存和磁盘中操作。



Parallel Cleaning


There are three points of contention between cleaner threads and service threads handling read and write requests. First, both cleaner and service threads need to add data at the head of the log. Second, the threads may conflict in updates to the hash table. Third, the cleaner must not free segments that are still in use by service threads. These issues and their solutions are discussed in the subsections below.
  1. cleaner线程和service线程同时使用log的问题;
  2. 同时更新hash table问题;
  3. 应该什么时候回收segment;

对于第1个问题,解决办法是cleaner和servic的线程使用不同的log segment;第2个问题就是直接使用lock了。对与第3个问题,实际上和现在的一些同步方法例如RCU,hard pointer之类的方法要解决的问题是相同的RAMCloud使用的方式当最近的请求都处理完成后就可以回收了。此外关于处理磁盘上备份的内容和deadlock避免的问题可以参考原论文。这里的重点就是如何回收内存吧。


Log-structured的内存分配方式在RAMCloud中可以实现80 - 90%的内存利用率。利用率高是最吸引人的地方吧。

• RAMCloud supports memory utilizations of 80-90% without significant loss in performance.
• At high memory utilizations, two-level cleaning im- proves client throughput up to 6x over a single-level approach.
• Log-structured memory also makes sense for other DRAM-based storage systems, such as memcached.


  1. Log-structured Memory for DRAM-based Storage. FAST 2014.
  2. The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System, TOCS 1992.