OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks
0x00 引言
0x01 为什么需要一个可编程的网络
For example, in GENI it is envisaged that a researcher will be allocated a slice of resources across the whole network, consisting of a portion of network links, packet processing elements (e.g. routers) and end-hosts; researchers program their slices to behave as they wish. A slice could extend across the backbone, into access networks, into college campuses, industrial research labs, and include wiring closets, wireless networks, and sensor networks.
- 在实验的早期,网络的管理者如何平滑地将这些实现性质的设备加入现在的网络?
- 使用什么样的方法使得研究者可以控制它要实验部分的网络又不至于影响网络的其他的部分?
- 网络中的交换机对于这些需要有具体需要什么样的功能?
• Amenable to high-performance and low-cost implementations.
• Capable of supporting a broad range of research.
• Assured to isolate experimental traffic from production traffic.
• Consistent with vendors’ need for closed platforms.
OpenFlow Switch规范就是为了实现这些目标的一个规范。
0x02 OpenFlow交换机
OpenFlow利用现在的交换机的一个特点:现在的以太网的交换机一般在内部一般都有flow-tables,flow-tables用于实现防火墙、NAT、QoS和收集一些统计信息。这个Flow Table不同的厂商是不一样的,这里就需要从不同中找出一个能够共同拥有的功能集合。OpenFlow通过一个开放的协议来对交换机和路由器里面的Flow Table进行编程操作,网络管理员可以控制其中的全部或者部分流量的流向,是流行通常环境的还是实验的环境。而研究者就可以控制他们的流,
In this way, researchers can try new routing protocols, security models, addressing schemes, and even alternatives to IP. On the same network, the production traffic is isolated and processed in the same way as today.
对于一个OpenFlow交换机,它一个数据面通常由一个Flow Table和每一个流关联的一个Action组成,这些行为是可以拓展的。这篇Paper中只会设计到对OpenFlow交换机的最基本的要求,一个OpenFlow交换机至少由3部分组成:1. 一个Flow Table,加上与其中的流对应的Action;2.一个 Secure Channel,连接交换机和远程的控制器,用于控制器和交换机之间的命令和数据包的传输;3. 一个OpenFlow Protocol,提供一个标准的控制器对交换机的控制协议。这里可以将OpenFlow交换机分为2类:
- 转发一个流的包到一个or多个的端口;
- 封装和发送一个包到控制器,这里是通过前面提到的Scure Channel进行的。这种包的一个例子就是一个流的第一个包,发送给控制器让它来决定是否建立这个流等;
- 丢弃包,一般处于安全的考虑;
An entry in the Flow-Table has three fields: (1) A packet header that defines the flow, (2) The action, which defines how the packets should be processed, and (3) Statistics, which keep track of the number of packets and bytes for each flow, and the time since the last packet matched the flow (to help with the removal of inactive flows).
... be enhanced with the OpenFlow feature by adding the Flow Table, Secure Channel and OpenFlow Protocol. Typically, the Flow Table will re-use existing hardware, such as a TCAM; the Secure Channel and Protocol will be ported to run on the switch’s operating system.
这类交换机必须要求能够隔离常规的流量和实验的流量。这里可以有2中解决方法。一种是增加另外的一项必要的Action:4. 通过交换机的常规的处理流水线转发包;另外的一种方法是为两类流量分别定义一个VLAN集合。交换机可以支持其中的一种或者是两者都支持。
支持基本的功能的交换机称之为“Type 0“交换机,还添加了额外功能的则称称之为“Type 1”交换机。
0x03 OpenFlow的使用
In her experiment, Amy decides to use Amy-OSPF for the traffic entering the OpenFlow network from her own desktop PC — so she doesn’t disrupt the network for others. To do this, she defines one flow to be all the traffic entering the OpenFlow switch through the switch port her PC is connected to, and adds a flow-entry with the action “Encapsulate and for- ward all packets to a controller”.
Mobile wireless VOIP clients,在客户端接入的WiFi网络变化是也可以不间断通信;
A non-IP network,实现一个不需要IP地址的网络;
Processing packets rather than flows,……
- OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks, SIGCOMM’08.