Application Crash Consistency and Performance with CCFS

Application Crash Consistency and Performance with CCFS

0x00 引言


 Further, we show that ccfs performance under standard file-system benchmarks is excellent, in the worst case on par with the highest performing modes of Linux ext4, and in some cases notably better. Overall, we demonstrate that both application correctness and high performance can be realized in a modern file system.



0x01 基本思路


setstream(s) call that creates (if not already existing) and associates the current thread with the stream s. All future updates in that thread will be assigned to stream s; when forking (a process or thread), a child will adopt the stream of its parent. 


  • Hybrid-granularity Journaling,通常的文件日志操作的粒度为blocks。CCFS使用了hybrid-granularity journaling的方法,事务运行的时候以一个byte-range为粒度,而事务提交的时候以blocks为粒度。CCFS使用这种方式的原因是不同的streams可能修改文件系统中的同一个的块。用更加细粒度的操作分开stream之间的相互影响,


  • Delta Journaling,处理上面的混合粒度日志, delta journaling的思路是记录变化。在不同的streams都要操作的数据结构中,比如记录全局的空闲空间的结构。用一个例子说明这个的思路: 对于一个整数,A B stream都想去修改,A想加上i,而B想减去j。则在日志中记录这个增加值的操作和减去值的操作,在事务提交的时候真正地去应用这个操作,
  In ext4, shared metadata structures requiring delta journaling are the free inode count and the free block count, which concern the global state across the file system. Delta journaling is also needed for the nlink and the modification time fields of directory inodes, since multiple streams can modify the same directory.
  • Pointer-less Data Structures,ext4中使用的一些以指针为基础的操作也为不同的stream的分开操作提供了一些障碍。比如ext4中的 orphan list结构。通过一些实现上的优化消除一些可以不需要指针的结构,使用其它的方法解决,

     To make directories pointerless, ccfs replaces the offset in each entry with a deleted bit: deleting an entry sets the bit. The insert and scan procedures are modified appropriately; for example, the insert procedure recognizes previously deleted entries in the directory and uses them for new entries if possible.
  • Order-less Space Reuse,这里是为了解决这样一个问题,A刚刚是否的一个block马上就被B使用了,然而B在A之前提交,A还没有提交就Crash了。这个就会操作不一致的状态。ext4目前的解决方式是只有提交了事务的block才能被重新使用,在CCFS中,除了原来的方法,还在inode和directory-entry也使用了相同的方法。

0x02 顺序保持

ext4默认日志只记录了元数据,而连数据也记录的话会严重地降低性能。selective data journaling (SDJ) 是一种结合了两者的方法,它日志也记录数据,不过只会记录需要记录的部分的数据,追加操作只会记录数据块的指针,

A hybrid approach, selective data journaling (SDJ), preserves order of both data and metadata by journaling only overwritten file data; it only journals the block pointers for file appends. Since modern workloads are mostly composed of appends, SDJ is significantly more efficient than journaling all updates.

CCFS也采用了这样的方法。另外CCFS使用率order-preserving delayed allocation的方法在保持顺序的同时支持ext4的延迟分配技术,

Whenever a transaction Ti is about to commit, all allocations (in the current stream) that have been delayed so far are performed and added to Ti before the commit; further allocations from future appends by the application are assigned to Ti+1. Thus, allocations are delayed until the next transaction commit, but not across commits. 


0x03 评估




  1. Application Crash Consistency and Performance with CCFS, FAST’17.