ISA Wars

ISA Wars: Understanding the Relevance of ISA being RISC or CISC to Performance, Power, and Energy on Modern Architectures

0x00 引言

RISC和CISC的比较来源已久,早期的比较大多都集中在性能方面。一般情况下,会认为CISC处理器的性能更加好,而能耗和能效更加低,RISC反之,当然这种说法不一定准确。而现在,CPU架构发展已经相对成熟,单核性能每年增长的幅度很小,CPU多核化,智能手机等移动设备的CPU越来越受关注。那么在CPU发展变化之后,RISC和CISC的指令集类型对处理器的各个关键指标又有什么样的影响呢?这里我们来看一看TPCS 2015上的一篇文章[1]。这篇paper主要做的就是:

 We present an exhaustive and rigorous analysis using workloads that span smart-phone, desktop, and server applications. In our study, we are primarily interested in whether and, if so, how the ISA being RISC or CISC impacts performance and power.

0x01 所研究的平台

​ 这篇paper主要讨论了x86、ARM和MIPS架构。讨论的处理器信息如下:



Width: 能同时发射几条指令;
Issue: 指令发射(这里表示的是顺序发射还是乱序发射);
OoO: 乱序(out-of-order);
In Order: 顺序;
L1D: 一级数据缓存;
L1I: 一级指令缓存;
NEON: ARM架构的SIMD指令集拓展;

0x02 Key Finds

关于论文具体是如何做出评价,这里就不具体讨论了,有兴趣的可参考原paper,这里只总结一下论文中的key finds(图表也不一一给出了,比较多,复杂。还是可以参考原论文)。

  • Key Finding 1: (from Execution Time Comparison,从执行时间方面)

      Large performance gaps exist across the seven platforms studied, as expected, since frequency ranges from 600MHz to 3.4GHz and microarchitectures are very different.
  • Key Finding 2: (from Cycle-Count Comparison,从运行周期方面)

      Performance gaps, when normalized to cycle counts, are predominantly less than 3× when comparing in-order cores to each other and out-of-order cores to each other.
  • Key Finding 3: (from Instruction Count Comparison,从执行的指令数量方面)

      Despite similar instruction counts across ISAs, CPI can be less on x86 implementations across all suites (as shown in Table VI). This finding disproves prior belief that CISC implementations should have a higher CPI than RISC implementations (due to the complex instructions in CISC). Microarchitecture is the dominant factor that affects performance, not the ISA.
  • Key Finding 4: (from Instruction Format and Mix,从指令格式和各指令组合)

     Combining the instruction count and mix findings, we conclude that ISA effects are indistinguishable between x86 and ARM implementations. Due to infrastructure limitations, we do not have enough data to make the same claim for the MIPS platform. However, we suspect that instruction count differences on MIPS platform are due to system software issues and not due to the ISA.
  • Key Finding 5: (from microarchitecture,从微架构方面)

      The microarchitecture has the dominant impact on performance. The ARM, x86, and MIPS architectures have similar instruction counts. The microarchitecture, not the ISA, is responsible for performance differences.
  • Key Finding 6: (from ISA Influence on Microarchitecture, 从指令集对微架构的影响)

      As shown in Table VIII, there are significant differences in microarchitectures. Drawing on instruction mix and instruction count analysis, we feel that the only case where the ISA forces larger structures is on the ROB size, physical rename file size, and scheduler size since there are almost the same number of x86 micro-ops in flight compared to ARM and MIPS instructions. The difference is small enough that we argue it is not necessary to quantify further. Beyond the translation to micro-ops, pipelined implementation of an x86 ISA introduces no additional overheads over an ARM or MIPS ISA for these performance levels.


  • Key Finding 7: (from Average Power,从平均能耗方面)

     Power consumption does not have a direct correlation to the ISA being RISC or CISC.
  • Key Finding 8: (from Average Technology Independent Power,从技术无关的拼接能耗方面)

      the choice of power- or performance-optimized core designs impacts core power use more than does ISA.
  • Key Finding 9: (from Average Energy, 从平均能效方面)

     Since power and performance are both primarily design choices, energy use is also primarily impacted by design choice. ISA’s impact on energy is insignificant.
  • Key Finding 10: (from Power-Performance Tradeoffs, 从能耗、性能权衡方面)

      Regardless of ISA or energy-efficiency, high-performance processors require more power than lower-performance processors. They follow well-established cubic power/performance tradeoffs regardless of ISA.
  • Key Finding 11: (from Energy-Performance Tradeoffs, 从能效、性能权衡方面)

    It is the microarchitecture and design methodologies that really matter.

0x03 总结

​ 从本文的一些总结可以看出:处理器的性能、能耗和能效对于处理器的指令集是CISC或者RISC没有多大的联系。这篇paper通过使用一些新的方法,测量现代的一些处理器的性能、功耗和能效的特点(这些处理器的年代在2010年-2013年左右,大约5-8年前),更加严谨地得出来这样一个观点。关于paper使用的具体方法、工具和测量数据,有兴趣的可以阅读原文。


  1. Emily Blem, Jaikrishnan Menon, Thiruvengadam Vijayaraghavan, and Karthikeyan Sankaralingam. 2015. ISA wars: Understanding the relevance of ISA being RISC or CISC to performance, power, and energy on modern architectures. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 33, 1, Article 3 (March 2015), 34 pages. DOI: