The eXpress Data Path

The eXpress Data Path: Fast Programmable Packet Processing in the Operating System Kernel

0x00 引言

eXpress Data Path(XDP)是Linux的一个新功能。现在一些类似于netmap、DPDK之类框架得到了大量的使用。类似于DPDK这样的bypass内核的方式在提高了性能的同时也带来的另外的一些问题,比如隔离性、安全机制,还有就是可移植性等。XDP就是直接在Linux内核中实现的一个可编程的包处理机制。XDP也提高了很高的性能,而且可以弥补之前bypass内核的一些系统存在的问题。现在Facebook已经有一个利用XDP做负载均衡的项目开源了,XDP之后的应用前景应该会很好,

 XDP achieves single-core packet processing performance as high as 24 million packets per second, and illustrate the flexibility of the programming model through three example use cases: layer-3 routing, inline DDoS protection and layer-4 load balancing.

0x01 基本架构

XDP是一个包处理的框架,不是一个完整的网络栈。在可以在数据包进入Linux内核网络栈之前(ingress)or出网络栈之后对数据包进行处理(outgress)。在下面的图中,表示来在收到数据包的时候,早构建sk_buff之前就可以对其进行处理,可以对其操作转发到Contrainer 和 虚拟机中,实现一些Contrainer网络、Open vSwitch的功能。另外Linux提供来一个新类型的Socket:AF_XDP,可以直接将这些数据包交给用户程序来处理。另外的TC BPF中,可以执行一些用户定义的eBPF的程序逻辑,这里可以用来处理一些不支持XDP模式的网卡驱动情况。



  • XDP Driver Hook,在设备驱动中的一个“钩子”用于网卡在收到数据包的数据执行一个XDP程序。和netmap之类的系统一样,XDP也要在驱动上做一些改进。这个XDP程序可以获取数据包的元数据和数据。这个程序一般都是以解析数据包的一些Header开始,了解包类型等的信息。根据这些信息可以来决定对包的一些数据方式,另外这个程序也可以直接对包的一些数据进行改写,对包进行封装 or 解封。另外可以对包进行重定向处理。基本的逻辑图下面的图,

    The redirect functionality can be used 
    (1) to transmit the raw packet out a different network interface (including virtual interfaces connected to virtual machines), 
    (2) to pass it to a different CPU for further processing, or 
    (3) to pass it directly to a special userspace socket address family (AF_XDP).
  • eBPF虚拟机,执行XDP程序的字节码,这里还会使用JIT的方式来提高性能。Linux中的eBPF最近做了很多强化。这里的JIT利用了LLVM来实现。

  • BPF maps,一个Key-Value的结构。由于XDP程序是每一个数据包触发执行一次,为例和系统其它部分进行数据交互 or 保存一些数据,需要用到这个功能;

  • eBPF verifier,在装载XDP程序之前验证它的安全性;


0x02 例子


// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause)
// Copyright (c) 2018 Netronome Systems, Inc.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <linux/bpf.h>
#include <linux/icmp.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/if_vlan.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/tcp.h>
#include <linux/udp.h>
#include "bpf_endian.h"
#include "bpf_helpers.h"
#include "jhash.h"

#define MAX_SERVERS 512
/* 0x3FFF mask to check for fragment offset field */
#define IP_FRAGMENTED 65343

struct pkt_meta {
	__be32 src;
	__be32 dst;
	union {
		__u32 ports;
		__u16 port16[2];

struct dest_info {
	__u32 saddr;
	__u32 daddr;
	__u64 bytes;
	__u64 pkts;
	__u8 dmac[6];

struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") servers = {
	.key_size = sizeof(__u32),
	.value_size = sizeof(struct dest_info),
	.max_entries = MAX_SERVERS,

static __always_inline struct dest_info *hash_get_dest(struct pkt_meta *pkt)n{
	__u32 key;
	struct dest_info *tnl;
	/* hash packet source ip with both ports to obtain a destination */
	key = jhash_2words(pkt->src, pkt->ports, MAX_SERVERS) % MAX_SERVERS;
	/* get destination's network details from map */
	tnl = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&servers, &key);
	if (!tnl) {
		/* if entry does not exist, fallback to key 0 */
		key = 0;
		tnl = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&servers, &key);
	return tnl;

static __always_inline bool parse_udp(void *data, __u64 off, void *data_end,
				      struct pkt_meta *pkt){
	struct udphdr *udp;
	udp = data + off;
	if (udp + 1 > data_end)
		return false;
	pkt->port16[0] = udp->source;
	pkt->port16[1] = udp->dest;
	return true;

static __always_inline bool parse_tcp(void *data, __u64 off, void *data_end,
				      struct pkt_meta *pkt) {
	struct tcphdr *tcp;
	tcp = data + off;
	if (tcp + 1 > data_end)
		return false;
	pkt->port16[0] = tcp->source;
	pkt->port16[1] = tcp->dest;
	return true;

static __always_inline void set_ethhdr(struct ethhdr *new_eth,
				       const struct ethhdr *old_eth,
				       const struct dest_info *tnl,
				       __be16 h_proto) {
	memcpy(new_eth->h_source, old_eth->h_dest, sizeof(new_eth->h_source));
	memcpy(new_eth->h_dest, tnl->dmac, sizeof(new_eth->h_dest));
	new_eth->h_proto = h_proto;

static __always_inline int process_packet(struct xdp_md *ctx, __u64 off) {
	void *data_end = (void *)(long)ctx->data_end;
	void *data = (void *)(long)ctx->data;
	struct pkt_meta pkt = {};
	struct ethhdr *new_eth;
	struct ethhdr *old_eth;
	struct dest_info *tnl;
	struct iphdr iph_tnl;
	struct iphdr *iph;
	__u16 *next_iph_u16;
	__u16 pkt_size;
	__u16 payload_len;
	__u8 protocol;
	u32 csum = 0;

	iph = data + off;
	if (iph + 1 > data_end)
		return XDP_DROP;
	if (iph->ihl != 5)
		return XDP_DROP;

	protocol = iph->protocol;
	payload_len = bpf_ntohs(iph->tot_len);
	off += sizeof(struct iphdr);
    // 这里先处理包的元数据
	/* do not support fragmented packets as L4 headers may be missing */
	if (iph->frag_off & IP_FRAGMENTED)
		return XDP_DROP;
	pkt.src = iph->saddr;
	pkt.dst = iph->daddr;
	/* obtain port numbers for UDP and TCP traffic */
	if (protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) {
		if (!parse_tcp(data, off, data_end, &pkt))
			return XDP_DROP;
	} else if (protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) {
		if (!parse_udp(data, off, data_end, &pkt))
			return XDP_DROP;
	} else {
		return XDP_PASS;
    // 计算hash值
	/* allocate a destination using packet hash and map lookup */
	tnl = hash_get_dest(&pkt);
	if (!tnl)
		return XDP_DROP;
    // 然后对包进行处理
	/* extend the packet for ip header encapsulation */
	if (bpf_xdp_adjust_head(ctx, 0 - (int)sizeof(struct iphdr)))
		return XDP_DROP;
	data = (void *)(long)ctx->data;
	data_end = (void *)(long)ctx->data_end;
	/* relocate ethernet header to start of packet and set MACs */
	new_eth = data;
	old_eth = data + sizeof(*iph);
	if (new_eth + 1 > data_end || old_eth + 1 > data_end ||
	    iph + 1 > data_end)
		return XDP_DROP;

	set_ethhdr(new_eth, old_eth, tnl, bpf_htons(ETH_P_IP));
	/* create an additional ip header for encapsulation */
	iph_tnl.version = 4;
	iph_tnl.ihl = sizeof(*iph) >> 2;
	iph_tnl.frag_off = 0;
	iph_tnl.protocol = IPPROTO_IPIP;
	iph_tnl.check = 0; = 0;
	iph_tnl.tos = 0;
	iph_tnl.tot_len = bpf_htons(payload_len + sizeof(*iph));
	iph_tnl.daddr = tnl->daddr;
	iph_tnl.saddr = tnl->saddr;
	iph_tnl.ttl = 8;

	/* calculate ip header checksum */
	next_iph_u16 = (__u16 *)&iph_tnl;
	#pragma clang loop unroll(full)
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(*iph) >> 1; i++)
		csum += *next_iph_u16++;
	iph_tnl.check = ~((csum & 0xffff) + (csum >> 16));
	iph = data + sizeof(*new_eth);
	*iph = iph_tnl;
	/* increment map counters */
	pkt_size = (__u16)(data_end - data); /* payload size excl L2 crc */
	__sync_fetch_and_add(&tnl->pkts, 1);
	__sync_fetch_and_add(&tnl->bytes, pkt_size);
	return XDP_TX;

int loadbal(struct xdp_md *ctx)
	void *data_end = (void *)(long)ctx->data_end;
	void *data = (void *)(long)ctx->data;
	struct ethhdr *eth = data;
	__u32 eth_proto;
	__u32 nh_off;
	nh_off = sizeof(struct ethhdr);
	if (data + nh_off > data_end)
		return XDP_DROP;
	eth_proto = eth->h_proto;
	/* demo program only accepts ipv4 packets */
	if (eth_proto == bpf_htons(ETH_P_IP))
		return process_packet(ctx, nh_off);
		return XDP_PASS;

0x03 评估




  1. The eXpress Data Path: Fast Programmable Packet Processing in the Operating System Kernel, CoNEXT ’18.